Articles on: Team results

Current Effectiveness: The components


In this article, you will find all the components and dimensions of an effective team dynamic, in sequence, with easy-to-understand explanations.

PREREQUISITES FOR TEAMWORK: What are the conditions under which the team works?

SHARED CLARITY OF ROLES AND OBJECTIVESOur team dynamic allows us to have clear roles and objectives, to ensure all members are heading in the same direction.Are the objectives clear for everyone? Do all team members have a defined role? Do all team members understand the objectives well?When two team members perform the same tasks, or when work remains unfinished because no one within the team knows or feels responsible for taking charge.Meeting regularly to redefine missions and roles for each team member, clarify objectives and roles, document key objectives, and regularly engage in team discussions to reduce the risk of divergence during execution.
TEAM STATUSOur team dynamic requires that we need each other to succeed.The necessity/need to work TOGETHER. The interdependence of tasks. Without others, 'I cannot succeed.'Within a team, not all members have the same roles or missions. Nevertheless, a software engineer will need the project manager, who will also need marketing, and so on.Clarify the team's purpose and set objectives to act as a team and emphasize task interdependence.
SENTIMENT DE RESPECT Our team dynamic leads us to feel respected by other teams and stakeholders.The team feels proud of its purpose and respected by the rest of the organization. If this is not the case, teams may feel that their work is unimportant and that others do not respect them (resource allocation or lack of recognition). These are often events from the past that have not been resolved, leaving behind lingering concerns.Support teams are often described as 'third-party' services that incur costs for the organization but do not generate direct profits.Addressing the sense of disrespect that weighs on the team in relation to the rest of the organization. Encouraging the team to express what this 'disrespect' means to them. Opening up communication to discuss lingering concerns and clarify unspoken issues.
SENSE OF EQUITYOur team dynamic and our organization promote fairness and equity.The team's perception of being treated fairly and equitably by the rest of the organization and within the team. Having a sense of being treated fairly (in terms of resources, work methods, availability of information, and interactions). These are often events that have occurred within the team in the past and have not been resolved, leaving behind lingering concerns.Example of the COVID bonus: Some team members are required to come to the office, while others are asked to work from home, and bonuses are given exclusively to those who are physically present.Encourage team members to voice their feelings of injustice and clarify unspoken issues. Address potential asymmetries in knowledge between the manager and the team by sharing information so that all facts are known. Work on building cohesion and satisfaction.
SAFETY MINDSETOur team dynamic leads to a high level of security of its people, data and materials.Do we feel safe with the equipment we use? Within the facilities where we work? Are we encouraged to report any security issues?Do virology engineers have the necessary equipment for their protection? Are there team members who are afraid to go down to the underground parking in the evening?Take the time to establish rituals and processes for reporting and addressing security issues.
TEAM REFLEXIVITYOur team dynamic helps us to regularly review our working methods.The ability for a team to step back and analyze the feasibility of objectives, the methods used to accomplish the work, and reflect on the effectiveness of their collaboration.Taking time for After-Action Reviews (AARs) after a mission or project to analyze the approaches used.Establishing rituals, workshops, and simulations to raise awareness and gain perspective on the way of operating.

TEAM COHESION : Does our team dynamic maintain or improve our team's ability to work together?

INTRATEAM TRUSTOur team dynamic encourages commitments to be kept and reinforces reliability among its members.Can I rely on the members of my team? Do the members of my team honor their promises, keep their word, and fulfill their commitments?You are relying on someone to complete a task that you need to present within a deadline. This person is running late, preventing you from delivering a quality presentation.Establishing rituals to maintain trust, including individual interviews, reliability exercises, and work on the pillars of trust (ABI model). Focusing on the importance of teamwork, the sense of respect, skills strengthening, willingness to help, and psychological safety.

PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY (Average of care mindset + learning mindset + humility mindset.) The ability to feel that one can take interpersonal risks within their team, such as sharing new ideas or asking questions. The sense that unique skills and competencies are valued and not arbitrarily challenged by others. The ability to express one's professional opinion without others being rude or dismissive.

CARE MINDSETOur team dynamic creates a climate in which team members feel they can speak up without being undermined by others in the team, whilst valuing each member unique skills.Creating a collective atmosphere of goodwill. Team members are attentive to new ideas, individual skills, and differences in professional values. There is no rejection of differences, skills, or talents of others. Please note that this is not about being nice; it's about a collective climate.If I value a colleague's technical competence, they will be more capable of freely expressing their opinions on a project.Reinstating psychological safety, clarity of objectives and roles, team reflection, trust, a feedback culture, and autonomy.
LEARNING MINDSET Our team dynamic creates a climate in which mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn, rather than failures to be punished.What is the team's climate when a mistake is made? This depends on the team's culture and the manager's reaction to past mistakes. If errors are punished, it can manifest in subtle behaviors such as glances, remarks, body language, sarcasm, humor, etc. These expressions create fear of speaking up and, consequently, hinder learning.Humor is used repeatedly to remind someone of a past mistake. This recurring 'joke' highlights the error, leaving no room for learning from it, and this pattern will repeat itself. In the military, it's crucial to avoid mistakes for safety reasons, but the team MUST share mistakes to prevent them in risky situations.The manager must deliver a strong message that errors are opportunities for learning, not failures to be punished. Reestablish team reflection, a sense of fairness, and trust. Work on the team members' reactions when an error occurs.
HUMILITY MINDSETOur team dynamic creates a climate in which we can communicate openly on difficult subjects without feeling in danger.Can we openly discuss challenging topics? Can we share our difficulties? Is there the ability or willingness to ask for help?Silencing an error that one has noticed out of fear (either due to one's hierarchical position or expertise, etc.). For example, a nurse concealing an error made by a doctor because she doesn't feel legitimate enough to address it.The manager should lead by example: 'I don't know.' Offer an anonymous document for team members to express what they know or don't know, and/or what they are afraid to admit. Foster team reflexivity with dedicated meetings for asking questions and addressing knowledge gaps, ensuring that trust exists, training opportunities are provided, and examining the collective sense of competence.
MUTUAL SUPPORTOur team dynamic fosters the individual desire to help each other.The individual willingness of team members to help each other: the personal desire to assist others. The willingness to help will be higher depending on the current team climate.One team member needs help using software they are not familiar with, and the other members take the time to learn it together.Promote the idea of mutual support and a willingness to help each other within the team. Foster this team value through a mentorship system, positive attitudes toward mutual assistance, and dedicating 'team time' to leisure activities rather than work-related topics.
BELONGINGOur team dynamic allows everyone to feel part of the group and to identify with it.The sense of belonging to the collective. The 'WE' feeling. Team members referring to 'our team.'We need others to accomplish our missions, we are proud of our purpose, we trust each other, and we can exchange ideas freely, so we strongly feel a sense of belonging to the collective.Work on the prerequisites, cohesion, and the team's purpose.
FEEDBACK CULTUREOur team dynamic allows for each member to receive regular feedback.Does the team dare to seek feedback? Do team members find it valuable to receive feedback? Do team members have the ability to provide feedback?Team members conduct a feedback session after each stage of a project and then implement concrete actions based on the feedback received.Ritualizing feedback after each task or mission. Focusing on team reflection, psychological safety, and trust.

TEAM SATISFACTION : Does our team dynamic satisfy, rather than frustrate, our team?

TRAININGOur team dynamic allows us to receive sufficient training in line with our needs.Does the team receive sufficient training? Do team members feel adequately trained to carry out their missions?If more cross-functionality is required in a role, are the training programs aligned with these new responsibilities?Collaborative work to define the necessary training for each position. Ensure there is a training schedule, that individuals know where to find it, that they have dedicated time, and that learning and development within one's role are part of the team's and organization's values.
AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCESOur team dynamic allows us to have the necessary means (budget, equipment, human resources) to work efficiently.Having the means to work effectively. Having the necessary resources to do one's job.A salesperson without a CRM system or insufficient human resources for the completion of a significant long-term project.Creating a list of necessary resources for each position and conveying this information to the organization. Implementing dedicated meetings to request the required resources and identify factors hindering resource availability.
ADVANCEMENTOur team dynamic offers sufficient opportunities for professional development.Long-term visibility regarding individual career and professional growth prospects.Annual or bi-annual performance reviews to discuss future career development prospects.Establishing transparent communication channels so that individuals can understand their career paths. Conducting annual/bi-annual or semi-annual individual meetings.
FINANCIAL COMPENSATIONOur team dynamic allows that the financial recognition is in line with the quality of the work done.Imbalance between the level of financial recognition and the quality of work delivered.Working overtime and handling a heavy workload without adequate financial recognition or consideration.Reevaluate financial recognition plans (bonuses, etc.) with the team while also giving them a renewed sense of purpose.
MANAGERS' RECOGNITIONOur team dynamic encourages managers to be available for the team members, to recognize and encourage them.Managers who are attentive, available, and support teams in difficult situations, encouraging them.Thanking team members when necessary, highlighting successes.Work on team reflection, a feedback culture. Conduct individual meetings with an available manager to provide feedback.
SKILL SETOur team dynamic helps us to feel competent enough to succeed in our work.Feeling competent to perform one's job. Having the skills to carry out one's mission.Being an expert in a field and knowing/recognizing one's expertise. Does the person have the right role to use their skills? Are the received training programs relevant to make individuals feel competent in mastering their work?nReview the training received and ask what doesn't make individuals feel competent and why. Analyze feedback within the team, strengthen psychological safety, and clarify objectives and roles.
RELATEDNESSOur team dynamic leads us to have meaningful friendly relationships between colleagues.Social connections among colleagues, having fulfilling relationships among colleagues.Taking the time to have lunch with colleagues and discussing various topics with them.Focusing on team spirit by creating dedicated moments where people get to know each other. Creating special opportunities to discuss work-related topics.
MEANING OF WORKOur team dynamic helps us to see the meaning of our work and our contribution to the overall vision of the organization.What meaning do you attribute to your work? The utility of work. Does work have meaning for the team members?Understanding the meaning behind our mission, is that meaning 'meaningful'? Having a role that allows for problem-solving can be very meaningful.Communicate clear and motivating goals with a compelling strategy. Take the time for feedback to align individuals' values and skills with the values of the goals they are asked to achieve.
AUTONOMYOur team dynamic allows enough autonomy and freedom to be efficient.Operational flexibility. Complete freedom to do the best work and be oneself.Project to create a homepage on the company's website, with a specific deadline and required quality, but the freedom to choose how, what, and with which skills to accomplish the project/task/objective.Open management is necessary to allow team members to infuse their personal touch into their work and projects. It involves building trust, psychological safety, and a culture of feedback.
PERCEIVED WORKLOADOur team dynamic fosters an acceptable quantitative and emotional workload.Question about perception. How is the workload perceived? There are two types of workloads: the perception of the quantity of work and the perception of the mental workload.The emotional burden - 'The workload is so emotionally heavy that I feel overwhelmed and underwater.' Having a workload that exceeds scheduled hours. Dealing with an excessive amount of information to process, decisions to make, tasks to complete, etc.Clarify the concept of workload with the team. Understand each team member's workload and propose a scale to gauge their perception of workload. Work on addressing sources of frustration.
ENGAGEMENTOur team dynamic encourages everyone to do their best to achieve the objectives.Team members do their best to achieve the team's objectives, even in the face of setbacks, and they personally invest in their work.Even during challenging times, all team members are committed to 'going to the front lines' for the collective mission.Work on defining the mission, enhancing team cohesion, and reducing frustrations.
Well-beingOur team dynamic allows us to feel good on a daily basis.Fulfillment at work. Daily well-being at work.I feel good coming to work, joining my colleagues, cooperating with them, and I am happy to do my job, etc.The consequence of the previous factors. It is essential to ensure a strong sense of respect and fairness, as well as minimize sources of frustration.

TEAM PERFORMANCE : Does our team dynamic give us the confidence to meet or exceed our objectives?

STABILITY OF OBJECTIVESOur team dynamic allows us to completes the short term objectives with a long term vision.Do we have a short-term, medium-term, and long-term vision for our objectives? Do they make sense over time?On short-term objectives, if there is no visibility for the future, it can lead to a loss of meaning.Giving meaning and reappropriating objectives. Providing long-term perspectives.
ADHERENCE TO THE OBJECTIVESOur team dynamic reinforces our adherence to the objectives.A team that is aligned with the objectives.When a new objective is proposed, and the team aligns with its vision.Aligning objectives with the team's values and providing meaning behind each objective. Co-creating objectives as a team
EASE OF OBJECTIVES ATTAINMENTOur team dynamic helps us to believe that our objectives are achievable, without spending unreasonable amounts of time and effort.The team feels capable of achieving its objectives smoothly and without difficulty, without having to invest too much time or effort.When the team doesn't find it easy to work, it feels like 'swimming upstream,' lacking fluidity, and encountering obstacles in achieving objectives.It is necessary to review the sources of frustration and transform them into sources of satisfaction, as well as revisit team cohesion and the clarity of objectives.
UNCERTAINTY MANAGEMENTOur team dynamic allows us to be better able to deal with unexpected events.A team that doesn't shy away from uncertainty, and feels capable of managing risks and the unknown.The team will be able to adapt in case of unforeseen events. Team members believe they have the autonomy to make decisions on their own without waiting for approval from others.Implementing rituals and reflection strategies. Analyzing situations from different perspectives. Working on the ease of achieving objectives, psychological safety, and autonomy.
STAKEHOLDER COLLABORATIONOur team dynamic fosters transparency and collaboration with our stakeholders and other teams.Proactively and transparently involving all stakeholders in the mission by collaborating with them. Expanding collaboration to other stakeholders as needed or for innovation.A team that regularly engages its stakeholders during project launches.Work on the sources of satisfaction (particularly on mastery) and on innovation that is linked to psychological safety.
CREATIVITYOur team dynamic encourages us to be creative, to develop new methods, tools and scenarios to work more efficiently.Team members who are a source of innovative and creative ideas.Team members who seek new ways of working with new tools, methodologies, etc.Promote the use of new methods and tools to be more creative. Create a culture of creativity and expression. Work on psychological safety and the feedback culture.
ENVIRONMENT SCANNINGOur team dynamic allows us to detect and communicate weak signals coming from outside the team that could have an impact on the success of our mission (new trends, new customer needs, new technologies, etc.).We can identify and communicate external factors that can positively or negatively impact our team. We challenge our positions within the team to better adapt.Identification of an external environmental context that could impact our mission: inflation, ecology, etcClosely related to the previous dimensions, as the team needs the capacity to look outside the team and, most importantly, feel that they can do something with that information. This involves working on uncertainty management and collaboration with stakeholders
INNOVATIONOur team dynamic allows us to challenge the status quo and develop new and innovative services and products that benefit our customers.To be innovative, having the freedom to propose and implement innovative ideasTeam member who proposes a methodological overhaul of a process and its implementation.In order to be innovative, teams must have high cohesion and satisfaction, and feel that they are achieving their initial objectives. From there, teams can surpass their initial goals and propose innovative actions.
ACHIEVEMENT OF OBJECTIVESOur team dynamic enables us to achieve quality and cost related goals on time.Are we capable of achieving our performance objectives in terms of quality, cost, and deadlines while also being efficient and productive?The team has successfully met its annual objectives in terms of cost, quality, and time.In order to feel capable of achieving their objectives, teams must work on the dimensions of performance

Updated on: 03/06/2024

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