Articles on: Debriefings
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Methodology to support team debriefings

ADVISED FORMAT: We advise all teams to set aside a specific time to debrief the results of the analysis. Our feedbacks have shown that teams take an average of 3 hours to carry out this debriefing.

Before starting the debriefing session, remember to download the PowerPoint presentation material available. You can download it directly from the platform: Download the presentation support.

Steps to follow:

Introduction of the session, setting the context (10 minutes):

We advise you to start with a reminder about the OpenDecide tool and the overall approach to using it for the team.

The OpenDecide diagnostic provides the team with elements to :

A team is not dysfunctional, functional, or optimal, but the current dynamic may be.
It is not about interpersonal judgment, but about our collective functioning.
This is not a simple survey, but a scientific analysis of the team dynamics.

Then, in order for the debriefing to go as smoothly as possible, we advise to make the following reminder:

Presentation of the collective functioning (40 minutes):

The first step is to talk about the 12 work processes and the current way of functioning of the team.
To do this, you will have the opportunity to discover the three main modes of functioning that exist (slide 11) and then, you will be able to visualize how the team works today and how it wants to function in the future (slides 12 to 14).

There is no functioning mode better than the other, just remember that the important thing is to be aligned!

Once the alignment of the work processes has been presented to the team, invite team members to talk about it during 15 minutes (slide 15).

Take a break (10 minutes):

We invite you to take a short break (10 minutes) during the debriefing session. It is important to have a break during this session as the debriefing requires attention and participation.

Presentation of the team effectiveness (1h40):

The second main step is to present the dimensions of the current team effectiveness.
First of all, we invite you to give a quick reminder about the scale used to measure the dimensions (slide 18).

After the presentation of the dimensions of each major component, go around the table to discuss the results freely or in a guided way (slides 22, 24, 26, 28).

Team members may not speak: this may be due to several factors. Nevertheless, it will be essential to allow equal speaking time to all. In order to be more comfortable with the designation of people who can speak, we propose three ways to proceed. First allow a time of silence (even if it may seem difficult) until someone speaks. If this does not work you can designate a person directly, if you are comfortable to do it (of course!). Otherwise, we invite you to make a draw, either manually or through software (for example:

Take action (15 minutes):

You will first invite the team members to vote for 2 priority work processes to be realigned over the next 6 months (slide 30).

Then, you will also invite them to vote for a maximum of 3 dimensions of effectiveness that they want to work on during the next 6 months (slide 32).

We recommend you to invite team members to project their future results (within the next 6 months) using the positioning matrix on slide 33.
Once the votes have been taken, we invite you to directly set up dedicated working sessions.

You can:

Find inspiration with the practice recommendations from OpenDecide
Get support from internal or external facilitators
Progress autonomously with the strength of your collective

Round round and closing (5 minutes):

Share with team members about how they felt about the session. You can, if you wish, close the session with a last icebreaker.

Reminder: You have resources to take action (slide 35), and the entire OpenDecide team remains at your disposal via the help center or the online chat.

Updated on: 27/11/2023

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