Conduct a manager debriefing
In this article, you will discover all the steps of the manager debriefing.
Objectives of the debriefing with the manager:
Prepare for the team debriefing that will follow (usually a few days later)
To understand the results of the team's current effectiveness and the alignment of the functioning modes in the twelve work processes.
Visualize the gap between your own perception as a manager and that of the team. The manager's perception of the team's effectiveness is not integrated into the overall perception of the team.
This is not a survey or a satisfaction questionnaire, but a scientific diagnosis of the team's current dynamics.
The aim of this analysis session is to focus solely on the way the team perceives its dynamic , and not on specific individuals involved.
Consent and perception :
Ask the manager for consent to show their perception
Talk about perception bias:
Remember that the analysis is not based on individuals or their individual skills, but on the current collective dynamic.
Everyone has their own perception of the current effectiveness of the team's dynamics.
There are perception biases for managers, which is why their perception of the "Team Effectiveness" section is not included in the overall team average. The manager's answers are nevertheless included in the section on the alignment of the functioning modes in the twelve work processes.
Finally, we will always refer to the analysis of the team and not to "managerial performance".
👉Details of the tool during the presentation. For the manager debriefing, we recommend that you use the platform directly (with your facilitator access) and not the powerpoint support intended for the team debriefing.
Perception and standard deviation :
Significant difference in perception if > 1 point between manager and team = discrepancies = risk of surprise for the manager;
Standard deviation above 2 very heterogeneous opinions, below 2 there is consensus.
The scale:
OpenDecide uses a scale from 0 to 10 to measure the dimensions of a team's effectiveness.

There are three zones:
The dysfunctional level between 0 and 7 corresponds to an area that is having a detrimental effect on the team. Immediate action is required to improve the situation. There is a high degree of instability on which it is very difficult to build.
The functional level between 7 and 8.5 corresponds to a zone that is functioning without reaching its full potential. This is also the zone of doubts and randomness.
The optimal level between 8.5 and 10 corresponds to a zone in which the team reaches its full potential, multiplying the beneficial effects for our team, our organization and our partners.
You can ask the manager some "contextual" questions before you start, such as:
How long have you been managing this team?
How many new members are there in the team?
What is the team's mission?
Have there been any significant events within the team or the organization?
How do you approach this debriefing?
To begin the analysis, we recommend that you first look at the progress matrix available at the top of the manager session page. The aim is to look at the current positioning of the teams dynamic and take the opportunity to quickly explain the two metrics (modes of functioning alignment and team effectiveness) before going into more detail later. It's also a good idea to ask the manager to comment on the current positioning: Are they surprised? Or not surprised? Do they have any questions? Any misunderstandings?
LINK - Understanding the progress matrix
Explain the three functioning modes:
We invite you to take a brief look at the 3 main functioning modes, remembering that none is better than the other, but that the aim is to be as aligned as possible. What is measured here is the way in which the team is currently working and the way in which it would like to work in the future. The most important thing is to be in sync.
Go through all the work processes one by one, with their current functioning mode and their desired functioning mode.
Use the drop-down menu to specify what each process means under each approach.
Suggest that the manager ask questions if they wishes.
Finally, you can mention the vote that will take place during the team debriefing to choose two work processes that the team members will choose to work on.
Explain the components of the effectiveness:
Prerequisites for teamwork
Team cohesion
Team satisfaction
Team performance
Outline the next steps (team debriefing, voting and teamwork)
Answer the manager's questions and don't hesitate to ask them how they feel about the team debriefing.
Remind the manager to speak last during the team debriefing; it will be important for the team to express themselves first.
Remind them of the possibility of being accompanied by a facilitator (you!).
Don't hesitate to ask for feedback and thank them - it's not an easy exercise!
Updated on: 09/10/2023
Thank you!